Friday, May 31, 2019

Muslimah Sissy Movie! Dylan becomes a hijabi sissy whore!

Dylan could not be happier with his new role in life! He just needed a little convincing. Don't you want to join him? Look how much more fun he has as a sissy white boi in a hijab rather than a failure of a boy!

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Image result for desert rose hijab porn
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Image result for desert rose hijab porn

Who else can't wait until 2025? White bois should all be forcibly feminized!

Damien and Ryan made the right choice, white boi, will you?

Why play sports when you can get all the exercise you need from cheering on the Arab men playing and sucking them off after!

You want to be soft, curvy...manhandled, right white boi? Just become a sissy hijabi!

Pants are so restricting...wouldn't you rather be in panties and a nice skirt, white boi?

Be Like Mike!

It's Honestly Only Natural! Embrace Your Destiny, White Bois!

White Boi Fashion :)

White Boi Jason and his master Amir!

Samir and the Baseball Team

White Boi Refreshed by Arab Master!

Every White Boi Should Be a Muslim's Property and Sex Toy

All White Bois Should Be Forcibly Feminized, Made to Wear Hijab, and Should Be Owned by Muslim Men

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Shariah State of Al-Offenbach

The Shariah State of Al-Offenbach

Around the time the nation of Belgium had begun its evolution into an Islamic State, the German city of Offenback saw a similar development:

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2020: Ist Offenbach das neue Mekka?

With a Muslim population at 20%, Offenbach represented the largest Muslim city in Germany. Though many within the nation joked that the city was growing into an Islamist hive, most German residents were unconcerned that anything would change in the near future. Industry was booming, and a huge amount of foreign funding flowing in from undisclosed locations. Many Muslim men from the refugee crisis in Syria flowed into the city proper to fulfill labor needs, establishing Turkish and Arabic schools as they came to continue their education. Funded by the German government, these schools were made to continue education for these "youths" (with an average age of 26, confidential to the greater public) before they returned, apparently, to the Middle East at the end of the conflict.

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2025: Crime skyrockets

The city of Offenbach, struggling to deal with the influx of Muslim migrants, saw a huge surge in violent, often sexual crime. As a result, most German and European women left the city, fearful of attacks. This left the city with a mass imbalance in gender, with around 90% of the city's population being men, often young, often unemployed.

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2029: The First Steps

As young men have needs, a number of Homosexual relationships began to form between young German gay men and hypermasculine Arab arrivees. These relationships saw the Germans being encouraged to become more feminine to cater to the Arab desires, growing their hair long, wearing more androgynous clothing, and learning more home-centered skills such as cooking and cleaning. With the increasing number of homosexual relationships, some academics estimating around 10% of all men in the nation being involved in "low-intensity homosexuality," Offenbach grew, interestingly, into a hub for European gays, attracting gay men from across the nation. Straight German men, stuck in the city due to work, watched as the city become growingly gay and Muslim.

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2031: The First Election

With these relationships becoming more and more common, in two years growing to represent at least a third of all population interactions in Offenbach, it was not surprising that the newly elected Islamist city council passed laws making it illegal for German feminines in these relationships to wear, at minimum, feminine-passing clothing, as homosexuality was against Islam, but not if the "female" in the relationship was feminine as possible. Those denounced and designated as the "feminine" in a relationship were given special ID cards, in both Arabic and German, to keep on themselves at all times. If they were caught without their ID or in masculine clothing, with beards, or untrimmed body hair, these "feminines" would be fined substantially.

Although many "feminines" supported the law, and many were attracted to Offenbach from the rest of the European Union, a number of highly masculine Germans were forced into the "feminine" role, and chose to stay out of either love for their partner, work needs, or inability to leave.

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2035: The Mecca Arises

In 2035, in a watershed election, the city of Offenbach voted, due to cultural differences, to split from the rest of Germany. Progressives and liberals from all around the world applauded the decision as a victory for multiculturalism globally. However, with the election, the city council became a Shariah government, and Al-Offenbach rose as a fully Shariah-Law State. This had many consequences for the Europeans, gay or otherwise, living there. All Europeans were, by democratic decision, defined as "feminines" and forced into the dress code newly applied across the city state...full hijab, full female undergarments, and a ban on pants.

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2036: The First Arrests

Germans were shocked, forced at threat of arrest to hand over all masculine clothing, adopt the hijab, and wear exclusively abayas. A number of sweeping reforms followed, including electrolysis therapy days, wherein any "feminine" on the street was taken and forcefully had all body hair permanently lasered off. Weeks later, mandatory hormone therapy was adopted to encouraged feminine development in all feminines. Dual-language street signs were adopted across the country, and German was relegated to a secondary language in schools. As Al-Offenbach was not a member of the European Union, and all residents were stripped of German citizenship in favor of Offenbachistani Passports, the Germans were unable to leave, and become more and more forcibly feminized into Muslimah women.

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2040: And Next the Schools!

It was decided that any European boy would be automatically enrolled as "feminines" at school to encourage a gender balance, as very few new children were found. This resulted in the beginning of hormone treatments from as young as 6 years old, being raised as second-class citizens to Arabs and Turks. These students took German as a foreign language, usually speaking Arabic or Turkish at home, and being banned from any "hard science" classes such as science, math, linguistics, or otherwise, in favor of home economics and language classes. Physical education was banned to prevent the development of muscle mass, so the feminines remained weak and submissive, as well as developing a curvy, feminine form by high school. 

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2043: Social Engineering

Unfortunately, many of the feminines, henceforth referred to as "bois," were still attracted to feminine forms, and found many relationships with each other, failed to attend mosque, avoided Turks and Arabs, and otherwise breaking the tenets of Islam. The Al-Offenbach government had to find a way to fix this issue...

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In a monumental court case, it was decided that, to satisfy the needs of the Muslim population, any bois in the country would lose full citizenship, including voting, property, civic, ad economic rights. This meant they were essentially reduced to children, no matter their age, within the country. This encouraged them to find a Muslim "master" to take care of their basic needs, or risk ending up on the streets, especially in the brutal Offenbachistani winters. With the revocation of citizenship, these bois lost the right to travel, and had no means to apply as refugees to any other nations. The world could only look on in horror at the "depersonization of Offenbachistani bois."

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2044: Not good enough

This was it. The disobedience of bois was too much for the Al-Offenbachistani government to handle. They were declared as property. All bois were rounded up and held in a market in the city's square, fetching prices as wives, girlfriends, daughters, workers, and slaves for all Arab and Turkish citizens. Any dissatisfaction with these new roles in life was banned, with punishment of hard servitude in the city's innumerable brothels. Suddenly, the bois stopped all discontent, and were integrated into society as furniture, all smiles from there on!

2050: Society as We Know It

And so the Offenbachastani boi found his true calling in life, as a sissy cum dump for his Arab masters... what the Al-Offenbach government did not expect was the number of applications they would get! Specifically from Canada, which led the Trudeau government to adopt some resounding reforms...but that is a story for another day!

I hope you enjoyed your impending future, Germany! Please comment if you liked it and let me know if you have any ideas!