The Evolution of the Belgian Male
The Evolution of the Belgian Male

2019: The Belgian male of 2019 was similar to many males of the world, though taller and thinner than most other European groups. Interested in sports and television, chasing girls and succeeding in University, the average Belgian male of 2019 spoke three to four languages, was highly independent, and hypermasculine.

2031: However, as men were needed less and less in society, the Belgian male began to feminize. Failing at school and hated by society, native-born boys were encouraged to leave spots for women and newly arrived immigrants to succeed due to their historical privilege. As a result, many men began taking on highly feminine aspects to better succeed, homosexuality becoming more rampant as hypermasculine Arab and African immigrants marched in.

2050: It was not until the fashion for men in Belgium began to change that elders truly began to take notice. No longer was football what Belgian boys cared about, but the newest Hollywood rom-com or cooking shows. 2050 also marked the first time Belgians were a minority in the nation, as opposed to Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa, The new Shariah government began to impose new laws targeting the Christian minority. As boys became more and more feminine, some even reporting unexpected breast growth, softening skin, difficulty to build muscle, and shrinking genitals, questions began to be raised about the sudden and ever-increasing decline in masculinity.

2052: Belgian males by this time, known throughout the rest of Europe and the West as perhaps a potential future for all white men, had begun to see themselves as more of the submissives in society, especially under the Shariah government. New directives target integrating the minority Belgian community into the majority Muslim population, rather than leaving them outside of civil society. This resulted in more fraternal relationships between majority Muslim Arab communities and the soft, weak, Belgian males.

2054: In the last months of the first Shariah government, a referendum was passed with 62% of the country voting yes on mandatory hijabs for all feminine individuals within Belgium. Although some minority Belgians protested, it was deemed illegal for all Belgians would be required to wear hijabs if feminine. The secret police would come to be the arbitrators of this law, and those they perceived as female, more than 90% of the native Belgian population, due to the popular trend of long hair and light make-up being popular since the late 2030s. Being named a “feminine” was a permanent title, and affected by ID card, once declared, it was impossible to relieve one’s self of the title, even if the Belgian males tried to shave their heads. This was enforced with public humiliation, namely exposure of the male in question, with his shrunken member (native Belgian males would have the smallest penises on average in the world at 4 centimeters) and unmistakeable budding breasts out for all the world to see, and a hefty fine. By a month in, each Belgian boy came to understand it was cheaper and less embarrassing to just cover their heads. Most tried to reaffirm their masculinity in fashion choice, but the tomboy look was rather discordant with the rise of Belgian boy headscarfing.

2055: Seeing the success of the hijab law only the year before, the next administration, fundamentalist Islamists, banned feminines from wearing pants entirely under the threat of prison time. This was especially heinous for the growing Belgian “boi” population, as they would still be placed into male prisons, and forced to veil and wear only toga-like prisoners’ uniforms within the rough penitentiaries. As horror stories emerged, no bois were willing to take the risk. Outside of this, an equal-language law was finally established, placing Arabic and French on equal levels for the first time, with all signage required in both. Most bois attempted to wear only neutral or masculine colors, but found it more and more difficult. Beyond this, bras and panties were also made mandatory, if nipples or breast jiggles were seen publicly, or the hem of boxer shorts, a public caning and fine would follow. For all intents and purposes, outside of their own homes, Belgian bois had become hijabis.

2057: It was in the third year of the new administration that more nefarious legal action was taken. Fluency in Arabic was required to work in the public sector, and Belgian fembois were given a legal status below women due to their perceived lack of use, thus requiring four testimonies to equal one Muslim man’s in court, thus locking any legal recourse for workplace discrimination or even sexual crime. Widespread arrests for the most minor of misdemeanors became common. It was then that Belgian fembois were limited from tertiary education, and blonde hair was outlawed by the state to encourage assimilation into the majority population. Sexual assault became an epidemic and fembois saw no future in Belgium. However, given the red tape and legal and linguistic barriers, departure was nearly impossible. A whistleblower would reveal that the Shariah administrations had been pumping female hormones into Belgian minority neighborhoods to chemically castrate and feminize the femboi population.

2060: Seeing no other option, the fembois of Belgium embraced their new roles in life as servants to the Shariah Theocracy of Moleenbeek. They feminized themselves more and more, with growing breasts and hips, learning Arabic, and seeking employment in domestic work due to their lack of education. Working in these low positions, many younger Muslim men, who grew up seeing the fembois on the street, came to fetishize these workers, and many relationships began to sprout, much to the chagrin of the older Muslim generation.

2065: In a watershed court case, it was decided that marriage was not permitted between Belgian fembois and Muslim men. However, it was deemed that a Muslim could apply to have the femboi listed as an aspect of civil property. In this arrangement, the Belgian femboi would give up the few individual rights, such as financial independence and freedom of travel, in return for political representation. In this, the 25% Belgian minority population saw more than 10% of the shrinking community being condemned to Muslim property, working as cleaners, cooks, babysitters, secretaries, and fucktoys for Muslim masters without pay in return for food and board and legal protection.
2080: Evolving to fulfill a very important role as a slave class of society, the Belgian femboi was raised as female from birth, in many groundbreaking schools such as the Prince Talil Al Jawali School of Home Economics and Proper Education and its satellites across Europe, to be servants, property, and fucktoys for Muslim men. They grew no masculine features, with inflating chests and breasts, speaking no Western language with no education, existing only for the pleasure of Muslim men as legal property. Fembois were exported across the world as an important sector of the Belgian GDP.
Let Belgium be an example to all you white bois, it is our destiny.